Lee Williams

Lee Williams

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When using games or simulations for learning, they must be aligned with the learning objectives. Also, be sure to incorporate the social aspect in the design to engage the learner's and increase motivation.

When deciding to use games and/or simulations in elearning, be sure to properly plan and provide enough time to create the best learning opportunities. Keep the learner in mind and choose the appropriate tools and wording. Do not just add bells and whistles to be fancy, make sure they have a purpose that will enchance learning. 

Help students understand the time commitment needed to complete work. Help students identify ways to manage time, overcome procrastination, and be a good group member. Additionally, apply the seven principles to online teaching for best results.

The learning environment will develop, therefore, it is important to ask students what is working, what is not, and how to improve it. Additionally, social networking and social media are different. Social networking is a way for students to continue communication, knowledge construction, and relationship building.

The importance of helping the students build a community of practice and to understand it's importance. Clear, concise, appropriate communication is key. Be sure to distinguish the difference between writing for professional communication and writing to text and social media. Participation and engagement are typically the result of a good relationship. Building the relationship with online students looks different but is very important. Helping students understand the realities of online courses and arming them with knowledge, tools, and support to be successful. The number one skill is communication!

Instructors should also assess their own readiness to teach an online course. When assessing the online readiness of students, see what is already out there available for use. Be sure to focus on strengths and provide tools and resourceses to strengthen weaknesses in students. Ensure it is clearly communicated that if a student has a disability, who should be contacted.

Use holistic assessments. If technology is part of the course then technology should be part of the assessment.

Students benefit from a variety of assessment opportuntities, including group projects, portfolios. blogs, wiki's. There is a difference between discussions and conversations. Get the students talking and digging deeper. Provide the opportunity to customize their learning space, collaborate, cooperate and communicate.

Applying emotional design to elearning environments to increase connectivity.

The most important take away is to provide the students with the opportunity to take in the content in a variety of ways. Additionally, provide learning opportunities that speak to the various learning preferences. Use various assessments to capture what students know.


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