Lee Williams

Lee Williams

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When determining which tools to use in an online course, consider the function, teaching preference, and student learning preferences. Choose the best tool to deliver the content. Be sure to provide information and trainging on how to use the tool and technical support as needed.


Both asynchronous and synchronous courses require good course organization. 

Successful students require feedback. Additionally, courses need to be evaluated and re-evaluted and improved upon. Providing feedback to students and getting feedback from students is critical. 


Lectures should not be more than 10-15 minutes in length. It is important to engage students so they learn and do not get bored. Additionally, instructors needs to be aware of their own teaching preferences and use tools that function in a way that will allow students to learn.


Evaluting rubrics using a metarubric is important. Students can be a part of creating a rubic, therefore, increasing buy in.

There are several resources for building rubrics. Be sure to test and re-test rubrics. Provide various examples of products scored by various levels of rubrics.

Rubrics provide an opportunity for reflection. Self- and peer-assessments provide a good opportunity for learning.

Although rubrics take time to create, they are an effective tool for communicating how students will be evaluated. There are different types of rubics, so be sure not to try to fit one to all.

Incorporate evidence centered design for assessment.

The experience of the learning game is important, it is imoportant to design in a way that learners can acheive a state of flow. Free software exists for game design, as cost can be a barrier. 

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