Leslie Katsumata

Leslie Katsumata

About me

Hi my name is Les Katsumata and ive been in the allied health field for over 30 years and found that working in a field that im able to use my knowledge and tactile abilities work best for me. i love the medical field because its always changing.


i would like to learn more about the new technological advances in spinal surgery


Discussion Comment

@scmeaux : Humor is a good way to get the students to relax a little, it will reset the brain to "rebbot" and the students usually remeber the topic better.

In order to motivate students , you must always engage them by giving examples and have them "touch, hear and verbalize what they are doing in regaeds to there proffesion so that they will understand fully what it is that they will do in they're carreers.

The technology that is current is a advantage and disadvantage, the students nowaday's rely to much on it and same with some teachers. So it is a win lose situation , we all need to be able to do things "old school" in case the tech stuff does'nt work.

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