Lisha Vecchiarelli

Lisha Vecchiarelli

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Good information on various types of learners and how to resolve issues in the online classroom environment in a fair and equitable manner.

Engaging students and ensuring participation in discussion is important, however feedback and interaction from the instructor is equally important in a fully online or hybrid class.

I learned that it is important for me to share with my students my background, credential education experiences.

Structure in the online e- learning is imperative.

Prior to an assessment, it is important to provide the students with a sample demonstration of what is expected in posting a blog.

Microblogging can be used to bridge generation gaps.

Blogs can be utilized by students as media hosting and sharing sites where we can evaluate their writing skills. I assign blogs to student for their online jornals.journals

Social networking such as blogging can be an effective assignment tool. It can be useful in group projects, journaling or as a research assignment posted for others to view.

I really enjoyed learning about the "thee legged stool metaphor". This can ensure that the student effectively learns. I will apply these tips.

It helps ensure that all modules within a course have similar layout as well as similar visual, instructional, and assessment characteristics.

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