Lisa Davis

Lisa Davis

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The importance of rubrics to ensure the student understands the assignment and gives me a guideline to follow in grading. Also, the importance of evaluating the course overall in regard to the students learning. 

There are several ways to evaluate the student's success in a course. I now know the difference between subjective and objective assessments and which are best for what outcomes I am looking for. 

I have learned the different types of assessment used to evaluate not only the students' learning but the course its self. If the course material is provided in a way that is aiding the student learning process. I can use assessments to see if the material has been successfully learned by the students. 

I have learned to investigate each tool so that I choose the proper tool of assessment for what I will have my students do in an online course. It is also important to try various tools but not necessary to use all tools within a given tool. Getting student feedback at the end of the course can be helpful in whether a tool should be used again or not. 

I have learned the importance of using a rubric and how to design a rubric that will best suit the assignment and the evaluation of the students' progress.

I need to make sure every student is active and present in an online learning environment. 

I need to establish a Communication Code of Conduct for the class that is followed by all. I also need to set the boundary of when and how communication will take place. By following the rules I will lead by example. 

I have learned that there are different ways to communicate with students. I as the instructor need to find what tool will work best for my class. I need to make sure communicating is key. Also, if I choose a particular technology I do not have to uses every tool associated with the technology. I can use what I need or works best for my class. 


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