Lindsay Weeks

Lindsay Weeks

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I learned that post-secondary institutions are not required to meet learning accomadations. I also learned that there are apps for students with learning disabilities.
In this section, I realized that people with learning disabilities don't just graduate from school and the disability goes away. They live with it every day and go to jobs which affect their performance.
In this section, I learned what all of the different types of learning disabilities were. There were some that I had never heard of until now. I also thought it was sad to find out that 60% of people have an undiagnosed learning disability that leads to poor success in their lives when it could have been treated and maybe the person would have had a better outcome.
In this section, I have learned that students learn to read in stages. If one of these stages are interrupted or not mastered, then the student will have difficulty throughout the entire learning process.
There are several different types of testing methods you can use. It is good to use a variety. However, I did learn that matching tests are not always the best option as it is difficult for students to transfer information and could become confused.
Minute papers are a good way to assess student's comprehension.

I have learned that making a mistake is okay and how you handle that mistake is what makes you a better teacher.

I did like the concept of listening to the student's problem or complaint before reacting. Students come from diverse backgrounds and have many different issues going on. For example, a student may not have done his homework because he works a full time job to help pay his family's bills. By listening to the student and truly hearing what they are saying you can understand the situation better. At least the student will have felt heard no matter what the decision may be.

I have learned in this unit a new way to approach disruptive/disengaged students by using the minute papers technique. This causes the student to have to pay attention for fear they will get called on to reflect what they learned in the lesson.

While creating my syllabus I will include information such as grading rubrics, grading categories, course description and a breakdown of the course. I will also incorporate colors and symbols into my syllabus to keep student attention to read it thoroughly and not skim over.

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