Laurie Hayes

Laurie Hayes

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Student feedback can be vital to an institution gaining information from companies that are hiring or will be. It will also give institutions knowledge of salary increases or advancement opportunities and guide to improving the training program.

Not only is an effective resume very important but the interview as well. Be prepared for what they are looking for and build your response on the job you are applying for. Keep in mind what is expected and what you would like to gain from the company not just now but in the future.

Career Services are not only important to students but to graduates as well. Keeping in contact is beneficial not only to the institution but also the graduates to assist them in finding that job that is suited for them and what they are looking for.

I have learned how a great Career Services Department can be essential for more than a student. One has the capabilities not only to strengthen the institution but can build relationships with potential employers, assist or offer information to admissions to gain potential students along with assisting a student to get the job that they really want and to be the best employee possible.

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