Laurel Harper

Laurel Harper

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Podcasts have indeed revolutionized learning in the 21st century. For students unable to attend live sessions, or who, as you mentioned, would like to hear the session as often as possible, podcasts serve that need. How far we've come from my undergraduate days, when one needed to carry a micro recorder to a lecture in order to be able to hear the session over and over again! I think I failed to mention that when I have used podcasts in my own sessions, my students' feedback was tremendous. They, too, appreciated the portability of lectures, chat sessions--essentially, audio course content.… >>>

While podcasts can be helpful for both on-ground and online learners, I will focus on the online learner. Online students should have more resources available to them at their fingertips than perhaps on-ground learners, as they do not have the advantage of having an instructor physically present. By presenting material in several different formats, it gives online learners yet one more avenue of learning.

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