Lauralee Smith

Lauralee Smith

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There are many different challenges that you may face as an online instructor, but there are also many ways to address them. It is important that the students are aware of the Code of Conduct and that they feel like you are there to help them succeed. 

Asynchronous is the way to go. It allows the students to follow along at their own pace. They can comment when available and not be rushed during a chat session. They are able to post a more detailed comment when not put on the spot. 

Letting your students know that you are there is very important. You can build a relationship with them online, just as you could in a classroom. It essential that they feel confident, and by participating in discussion, you can make them feel that way. 

It's extremely important that you know how to navigate through the CMS entirely. Your students depend on you! You want to be able to assist them whenever they have an issue. You also want to make sure there is plenty of communication so that students know what to expect. 

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