LaReta Jones

LaReta Jones

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In the advertising and marketing of our programs to our consumers (students), we must continue to abide by the regulations imposed by each state in which we service and support students. Information given to the students should be accurate and precise so to not illegitimately gain the trust and business (enrollment) of the student. Just as in any field of work, there are requirements and metrics we have to meet to be successful and ultimately remain employed, with this standard or goal one can feel pressure to perform but should still uphold the standards of ethics and credibility.

Ethics and transparency is essential to building rapport and credibility with students and the communities in which we service them. Being honest about the program, it's features and how it can potentially translate to the students career track and post-graduation goals is just as important as what the student may potentially encounter during enrollment. We have the power to positively or negatively impact the future of students so it is in our best interest and theirs to be clear and give accurate and applicable information. 

Doing the right things means acting in the best interest of the student at all times. Although there are legal parameters and resulting consequences for violation, it is best that we are honest and transparent while respecting the requests of the students on communication and outreach. I appreciate the thorough knowledge given to remind us of the legal requirements that are in place and the value they bring to the students and how we conduct ourselves in the business of education. 

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