Kathleen Watts

Kathleen Watts

About me


I like the idea of an embedded code word in the readings that can be spoken to the teacher the next time class is given. I think this will encourage students to carefully read the text rather than just skimming content.

I have learned the importance of student feedback to keep online learners engaged in the process. Often when I provide feedback it is pretty generic. I will implement more specific feedback that is more in-depth to encourage the students to continue learning.

Using games to assess student knowledge and prepare for tests may reduce stress and encourage a fun environment.

I learned there are many free resources to create educational games for the classroom including Sploder and Kahoot.

Incorporating games and virtual simulations can lead to greater student confidence as they learn through vehicles which are familiar to them. Often students will play online games for recreational purposes so they are in the habit of spending time on this activity already.

I always implement games throughout my courses. Students love these educational learning tools and will often use these methods to study rather than methods they find more tedious.

The seven principles of learning should be implemented in all online courses as a measure of best practices.

Although social media is often a distraction in a face to face class, it can be utilized in an online classroom to establish a sense of classroom community. This can make the classroom feel more engaged and may ease in video sharing. This often can help students that are not good with technology to practice getting more tech savvy.

Preparation for taking an online course is a prerequisite to beginning online education for any student. Students should have concise expectations set for their courses and time management set for the duration of their online education. It is important to note that communication is much different in the online forum. Body language and facial expressions cannot be accounted for in an online forum therefore written communication may be misconstrued by the receiver of the information. Encouraging good online manners and incorporating video chat discussions can help to eliminate this problem.

It is important to remember that students do have other commitments. As instructors we should be sure to have the syllabus and rubrics readily available so  students may prepare and organize their time. If the course is not organized well, students will have a hard time adhering to rules that they may not be aware of. Consistency within course structure and due dates will help avoid confusion and help students meet their goals.

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