Kerry Torres

Kerry TorresCHEP

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Comment on Vonda Reed's post: Thats correct I agree

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Do not allow cheating to be done without consiquences

Great Content helps connect with students better 

The most significant information about each generation is the explanation given as to why and how each generation perceives info

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I think it is important to connect with the students I have been in training classes where the instructor simply read the presentation there was really no life to speak of it was monotone, dry, and painfully boring! If we are going to be good at this our students need to be moved by our words there needs to be passion and a measure of excitement in the atmosphere of our class room the leader sets the tone for the class in the first few days being able to move and inspire people is far more than knowing the material… >>>

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One problem I have observed lately is students are haveing a hard time finding jobs in this economey
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How we Approach students has a big effect on the response we get from them. As instructors we all want to be respected by our students, however It is of paramount importance that we understand that respect is a two way street, how we interact with any student makes a huge difference in the outcome. If we see ourselves as superior to our students, this attitude will come across in our interaction and the student will pick up on it right away. The only difference between us and our students is many years of experience, on a human level everyone… >>>

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