Kim Sivak

Kim Sivak

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This was a great section showing all the different Acts and regulations and what supersedes what-a lot of information in this section


WOW-so much invovled with FERPA and each institution needs to ensure faculty, staff and students know what is and what is not allowed. I did not realize that former students are not covered in FERPA


Each institution needs to ensure clear guidance on its policy and when it doubt err on the side of caution


Student information is confidential and there are laws protecting it. Being a faculty member does not automatically entitle one to student records-only if accessis needed for educational purposes. 


Definition of consent is important so this is clear to all. Differnece of interim measures, sanctions, and remedies. The piece on bystander intervention was informative. 


the incident can occur off campus and still be investigated. Even if police investigaion ends and no indictment the school must continue its investigation. All parties to be treated equal.


The role of the Title IX is extremely important not only for handling of individual cases but ensuring training and procedures are in place at the school and evaluated routinely and for relavance or need for changes


Overviewof Title IX and VAWA-increased required reportin and statistics in recent years to keep campuses safer


you need to motivate studentsas you want them to learn, retain and transfer this education to the field. Knowyour content, students, create an envirnment that allows them to take risks and trascend the message. Give frequent and prompt feedback. 


Sometimes to keep students energized I need to also look at myself and see if I need to refocus


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