Katherine Jaramillo

Katherine Jaramillo

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Blogs are great to get the students to think creatively and think out side of the box.  Get their thoughts & feelings out.  They may also provide good learning & organizational tools for future projects.

Microblogging can be a very useful online tool and a great way to get information out as well as in.  It is alway a geat way to keep the commucation going and having students involved.

As with any lesson the use of rubrics is good, however, it depends on the actual assignment & students in the class.  Using media hosting and sharing sites also helps remove barriers to learning such as socio-economic barriers, physical distance, learning disabilities, and even language barriers.  This allows the students a sense of freedom.

Social media is simply another teaching tool as well as different strategy for engaging student conversation.  The conversation can be fun as in "social " media or an effective communication learning device.  The students will be conversing and asking questions and/or comments about the lesson or assignment without even thinking that is another assignment in itself.  I love the use of social media within an online class or even a blended class.

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