Kari Loomis

Kari Loomis

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Critical thinking skills are critical to a person's long-term success in many fields and many students have poorly developed critical thinking skills.

Rubrics are super helpful in all types of learning environments, including active learning online courses.

There are many barriers to teaching with active learning strategies online, but as long as you are aware of them, they can be overcome.

Getting students to interact with one another in an online course is very important, whether the course is synchronous or asynchronous.

I learned about many of the specific attributes of adult learners that might differ from younger students.

I think that empathy is one of our most important attributes as faculty.

I like the idea of the crisis game.  I will try this for sure :)

I think it's important to remember that having fun can be an important part of learning.

It is important to try and figure out how to best meet the students' needs.

I like the idea of breaking up the lectures into small 15-minute mini lectures to hold student attention and promote better retention.

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