Kassidy Lax

Kassidy Lax

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Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activites in all federally funded schools. It is the school's responsibility to ensure it is taking prompt action to end sexual discrimination or harassment. It is important that faculty and staff also know the policies and procedures as it relates to Title IX as they must know how to act promptly when/if such an act occurs at their school. Knowing the policies and procedures helps to mitigate the situation quickly and correctly. 

As a former educator in Bethlehem, PA, I am very familiar with The Clery Act. In my… >>>

Compliance is outcome-driven and linked to a school's effectiveness. Everyone from the admissions department to financial aid to career services to the faculty have a responsibility to drive a culture of compliance. 

It is our responsibility to ensure we are providing factual and accurate information. When a student receives inaccurate information, it can deteriorate their trust in the school and beyond. 

It is the responsibility of every employee of the school to provide accurate information and to always avoid misrepresentation. Keeping the student's best interest in mind will assist the individual in avoiding misrepresentation. 

It was good to see examples of superlative statements to ensure we are informed on what is unacceptable. 

Transparency is required regardless of if the program is taught in person or online. Knowing the difference between disclosures and representations is an important aspect of transparency. 

Accreditation and approvals are required to be approved for Title IV. CPL is an important part of being accredited. 

All employees must be in agreement with the school's mission and understand the importance of compliance. The behaviors and attitudes of the faculty and staff will determine the culture of the organization. It's important to choose these individuals wisely and with care. 

It was good to have a refresher of rules in addition to learning more regarding a new state that I am going to. 

Checks and balances are good to have in place to ensure and honest and ethical institution. 

Coming from a position in which I was required to maintain our school's catalog and handbook, I was familiar with a lot of the regulations. Since I am moving states it was good to learn the differences and what I must be aware of moving forward.
It's important to know the state regulations for the state in which we work in order to assist in maintaining compliance for our organization. 

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