Kelli Metivier

Kelli Metivier

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Content chunking is also an important concept.  It provides a sense of accomplishment and makes things less overwhelming when broken down into bite size chunks of information or activities.  It really resonated with me when working adults were reference and catering to the small chunks of time they have during the work day or evening.  If you can get something done in 10 minutes on a break it feels like you are making progress and it is less daunting than trying to do it all at once. 

We do a good job of communicating with students after they start class but have an opportunity to put out a welcome message to students before class starts.  We had a challenge sending Welcome emails through the LMS because the student doesn't receive it if they have not accepted their course.  We will be providing rosters to our instructors in order to have access to email students prior to the beginning of the course.  The other thing that really stood out to me is the recommendation to provide instructions in different formats and be aware that students may perceive the… >>>

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