Kelsie Sommerfeld

Kelsie Sommerfeld

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I can remember being in college and having to do these evaluations as a student.I never thought about it on this side of it before, but it is very important for a teacher to be open to feedback and ways to improve their course. I will be going into my sixth year of teaching, and I cant remember a year where I didnt spend a portion of my summer revising assignments for particular units.


I like the section on Peer Reviews because it is something I have never provdided in my classroom. With this upcoming year potentially being hybrid, I can think of a few ways in which I can make peer review interactive and fun.


Its not that I learned it, because I was already aware, but this section is really driving home the importance of communication in an online course. Making sure that you are an active participant in the online chats is also really important. I think if you are doing this, students will have more "buy in" in making sure that they are paying attention and doing what they are supposed to. 


I am a little confused on exactly what they mean by learning objects. I am assuming that they are talking about class materials or lectures...possibly resources


This module helped me with two things. 1, Procrastination within the classroom is already hard enough, I cant imagine what it is going to be like on the elearning track. I have taken many steps to make sure that I have set up reminders for my kids to keep them on track.The other thing is the record keeping. As a fifth year teacher, I have always been bad at keeping records of contact for students, ,but I am being forced down that road now that all my classes are online. The tips in this module were helpful with that.


I really enjoyed this module because I am a teacher who really relys on face to face feedback and discussion with my kids, and ever since we have moved to online learning, I have struggled with reading my students and reaching out to them. I will use the feedback information to really focus on how I reply to my students when they email me a question.


I feel like this particular module was a little irrelevant to my specific situation because I have already been in the classroom with my students and built understanding and expectations with my kids. I have spent 7 months building relationships with them and we have a complete understanding of authority and classroom structure.  Although I already have these things, this module can be helpful to me with deciding different ways to be supportive to my students during this COVID-19 span.


So far, this course has been helpful in making sure that the distance learning platform that I have used is on track with what I need in order to deliver the proper course information. The only downfall to my platform is that I cannot set a calendar for the students to look at. That would be nice. I do use other social media apps (Remind App) to send a reminder of due dates and upcoming assignments.


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