Kara Simon

Kara Simon

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Online courses require work for you to seem personable and to help students navigate their way around the course. Try to consider how to keep things as clean and consistent as possible when creating your course website.

Communication is critical, both in terms of setting up general expectations and in terms of giving feedback. This requires the instructor to have a clear plan and clear expectations set up ahead of time.

Synchronous and asynchronous courses have their pros and cons, but regardless of which you use, it's critical to communicate well with students and to be as clear as possible when setting expectations.

It's worth stepping back for a minute and thinking through how your technology fits your strengths and the methods you use in your class. Does the technology help you utilize those strengths or is it preventing students from getting as much out of the class as they could? It's important to consider this before choosing which technology you use and then to evaluate the technology as you're using it.


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