pete mata

pete mata

About me


Microblogging will aid in evaluation the learners understanding of the subject while promoting critical thinking and self produce an answer to the assignment.

A flexible rubric in a technical aspect would be most benefit due to the different theory of the subject operation.

Social media and networking tools can enhance critical thinking and promote social interactions that our learner are loosing due to less face to face social interaction.

Reply to Lisa Herrera's post: Lisa I'm with you on this one. But this is also a skill that must be mastered by the instructor. Coaching and course correcting can be a challenge. We as educators do not want to come across bullies. Choosing our words, tone of voice and body language are all part of a proper coaching and course correcting.

With the adult learner the class/lab must be organized and ready to go when they walk in. I oppose to have the students prepare the class/ lab in order to complete their assignments. A well structured course with a calendar/agend with help a learner better time manage and improve scores in the classroom.

Reply to Laurene Medina's post: Laurene I agree with you. Paraphrasing and summarizing shows empathy in the conversation. It gives a form of "I'm interested in what you are telling me feel" and want to assist the learner in the challenge or concern they may have. Must also make time to hear the learner out without felling rushed.

The objective is to deliver a skill and give meaning/value to the material they are learning. Not feel they are just income to the school. I can see how this must be of high priority in a school for profit.

What I've learned in my adult learners is they are easily distracted from the outside challenges they face, that is keeping them from a complete focus in the class. They also have a difficult time in the learning due to being out of school for such a long time they don't remeber how to study, take notes and so on. They become frustrated and want to give up and eventually drop out.

In the past I've had trouble remembering names. After the class introduction, on day one, I give assigned seating in alphabetical order. I can take roll easier by the missing seats and can learn names much faster. Day one is also SOP day. Which is Standard Operating Procedures where deadlines, expectations, rules and regulations are explained.

When I encounter a disruptive student I will as a question on our study subject, not to belittle or humiliate, but attempt to have the learner engage and show they are a valuable contributor to the learning. Just trying to reel them in before any discipiline measures need to be taken.

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