Jonathan Wald

Jonathan Wald

About me

Jonathan D. Wald

Acupuncture Physician & Academic Dean

East West College of Natural Medicine


I always learn something when taking these types of courses. I appreciate the feedback from the instructor and some of the student comments are valuble and thought provoking. In CM 112 I was happy to see the section on background checks becuase this has been a discussion we have had in a few of our meetings. It has always made sense to me that we should do checks on incoming students because if they have certain types of felonioes then they will not be able to get licensed. We disclose this to students but I think we need to take… >>>

It was a great course and added to my knowledge of the admissions process beyond my previous trainings. I really agree with Helmi that we always want to make sure we are doing what is best for the student. The ethical responsibilities for someone in admissions must be held to the highest standards. It is very similiar to being in the medical field in that we always must do what is best for the patient.

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