Jesse Soelberg

Jesse Soelberg

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Using rubrics will help to standardize feedback so instructors are able to relate feedback directly to course objectives.


It is best to help students build on their own prior experiences so they can relate content to previous understanding


Consistency is key


Email is more likely to be effective for e-learning communication as opposed to phone calls


Synchronous discussions work best one-on-one.


Focus less on what I know (my credentials) and more on what I have done (how I have applied that knowledge in the field)


Just as I always want to have somebody to support, encourage, and help me, my students in online settings need to feel that somebody is there for them.


Use multiple methods of content delivery, but don't get hung up on trying to hit every possible learning style every time.


It is vital to set clear expectations and encourage student participation

It is vital to set clear expectations and encourage student participation

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