Jameel  Robinson

Jameel Robinson

About me


I was really good information

Powerful information to apply when directiing others to success...

As an agent you must understand what your roles is , concerning what you can and cant do for the students. You must have the information that is needed to help the student and provided good and sound information to the students
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Every agent should all the campus information concerning programs, student success, student services, FA and etc. The agent need to have details concerning the information to provide to any students that would like to enroll.
It is very important that a student must understand the enrollment process. Agents should take the time and go over all docs with students so they asked any questions or if they have any concerns.
When taking to students you as an agent must make sure that you are not saying or doing anything unlawful. This matter can effect the college or school and your permit.
It is so easy to hear a persons problem and tell them what they need to do to fix it. However sometimes our advice is not always the best advice. Work with a person by building a sound relationship with the person by understand where they are and how your guys can work together to solve their issue or problem.
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Take your time to listen to the information someone is giving you rather in person or over the phone. You don't want to miss out on what someone is telling because you will not be able to help them unless you hear the whole story or matter.
Sometime a person can see you over the phone, your voice tone, your responds..People can see what type of day you are having just by the way you speak to them over phone. We should always check our smile to make sure its up and not down....

I was out eating one day at a one my favorite places that I love to eat. An older man walks in with rough looking hair, baggy jeans, a very old looking plaid shirt. Right behind him a younger man walks in with a business suite on very clean cut, shiny shoes with a very in a hurry look on his face. The waitress informed the old man to give her a second and she asked the younger man how can she help him, I felt unfairness form in my heart. The younger man said I need to order something… >>>

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