Julia Bennett

Julia Bennett

About me


Discussion Comment

I loved the idea of ticking a checkmark by each student's name to track my interaction patterns with the class. I try to be mindful of connecting with everyone, but I am aware that I develop habits of wanting to zone in on a few select students. On another topic - While this is not specific to groups, it is a unique issue I've encountered with remembering student names (which tends to affect my interaction with students in class and groups)... I find that my brain will "rewire" two students' names in class at some point in the term. Although… >>>

Discussion Comment

While alot of this unit's content was familiar, it was supported by good research and was a great reminder of some important steps for getting students to remember content. The suggestion to reinforce content through review (what's been covered) and preview (anticipate what's to come) was familiar and, I thought, apt. In public speaking, we say "preview, view, review" for your audience - that look back and look forward allows students to download previous content, reboot their attention spans and prepare for new material. I particularly appreciated the concrete tidbits of research - eg, 2-4 topics in 30 minutes -… >>>

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