I learned the SNIP method of giving feedback. Also, how to provide feedback in a postivie manner.
I have learned of the various test you can use to test your students' knowledge. I will use the skills application test to test my students knowledge.
I have learned how to better assess my student's soft skills. Sometimes this is difficult but having students work out problems as if they are in the workforce will allow me to assess the students.
There are different learning styles, auditory, visual, and verbal. Students respond to different learning styles and teachers need to know these styles to help better teach their students.
I have learned how the advisory council can contribute to the CTE program. The SBE can be the foundation for the CTE program. The skills and experience that the SBE can offer students is invaluable.
I learned what soft skills students can develop from working in an SBE. These skills will translate into the real world. Instead of viewing my course as teaching a lesson, I need to view it as developing learners.
I have learned that the implementation should include the students. Implementation includes reviewing students' skills and ensuring the are ready to perform duties with the SBE.
What I learned in this training is that there is a lot of work to be done prior to running a School Based Enterprise. I know that the SBE is not limited to snacks and shirts. This project should be student led to determine how they want to run the SBE.
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