Julia  Mims

Julia Mims

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I definitely will be revamping the information, this was both informative and face-slapping necessary. From a F2F set up to an online class there were and are many aspects overlooked due to time and opportunity. Thank you for all of this!


Online learning is now of the utmost importance being this is all we have.

This topic has been very informative as well as eye-opening to the ever-changing needs of the instructor and student.


This has been truly informative. I am all about open communication. Switching to or applying a face to face classroom for online learning would be a new experience because a lot of what is seen or observed is body language as well as facial expressions. I like the point to front load information and allow for well informed discussions later.


Edward Greetings and Salutations I believe it has been proven the benefits of music in learning environments. Howard Gardner studied the multiple intelligences. Not every student will benefit but those that need it, definitely will. I am an LMT and I use and utilize music in the classroom. The volume is just low enough to be heard yet not distracting.


As always having the necessary tools to complete any task successfully is the goal for all educators and students. It is counterproductive to expect anyone to be successful with less than what is needed or when whatever that is provided is subpar. It is great that we see the necessity of balance in this our educational system!

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