James McMillan

James McMillanCHEP

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Mentoring and tudoring are great ways to assist some students over a hurdle, but how do some of you handle the ones that do not have the basic knowledge of the topic required to even be in your class? When you realize they have somehow made it to you but they are completly lost....what do you do? What about many students seeking your help at the same time, not another tudor, but you. I teach a course that is very advanced, and some students are afraid to ask questions, this sometimes leads to a "Can I talk to you after… >>>

Discussion Comment

I find the old Boy Scout's motto of "Be Prepared" fitting for this discussion. I like to give examples for every topic of discussion, such as, "we do it this way because" or "this is what happens when". My activities, attitude and conduct are also examples of how a professional looks and acts. Without realizing it, we are a continuous example of that. Good class preperation shows our students what preperation and professionalism looks like, even if it is not a direct part of the lesson. We show them what is acceptable. You do your best and hopefully, they will… >>>

Towards the end of a students journey, they can sometimes lose focus of the big picture. Distracted by the drone of day-in day-out work/school schedule, it can be difficult to motivate them. What are some motivational methods you have used to get them back on track?

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