Joshua Grau

Joshua Grau

About me


I missed this particular question on the Final, as I disagree, and don't recall it being covered in the course. I can understand the idea of an added incentive for current employees to make recommendations for new employees. But I don't think it should be a common practice and should not result in bonus pay. This to me would only add to the possibility of bias in the decision process by the employer, knowing that his/her employees hope to benefit financially by the outcome. It could also cause some animosity within the work place. I would suggest that question on… >>>

On several occasions, during the interview process, I was asked to provide a short teaching example. I believe this is a legitimate way to assess an applicant's abilities to fulfill the role of instructor. I was given the topic of my lecture by the hiring institution, and was not allowed to choose my preferred topic. And although there were several staff observing my presentation, the students were also allowed to "rate" me. I am not sure to what extent the student's opinions were calculated, or if I had been better off teaching a topic of my choice. I think it… >>>

So far, I enjoyed this course the most.  I have taken several Maxkowledge courses and always find them beneficial.  ED104 has been a great reminder of many aspects we need to be aware of and practicing as teaching professionals.

Looking forward to doing many more courses!

Thanks Maxknowledge!

J. Grau

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