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Critical thinking is one of the most powerfull tools used in problem solving

Active learning is the key difference to the basic on line course. The instructor must buy into this in order to reach the level of succes we all want.

Effective and reliable technolgies are necessary for and on line courses

I can see why active learning may be questioned by seasoned instructors but if you look at it closely it's not very different from what has been done taiditionally

Once again reliability is key in developing rubrics

The rubric must be reliable. The best way to test this is to have another instructor grade a student with you rubric and compare their grade with yours.

I think peer assessments are a great way to provide growth to the students but must be evaluated by the instuctor who will provide feedback.

There are some disavantages to using rubics but the advantges greatly outweigh these. The  consistancy in grading over time is so important. 

I agree with Helen course design should be left to the dept. chairs with input from the instructors.

Assessability is a key component for students with disabilities. The instructor must know whether their materials have barriers built into them.

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