Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams

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Active learning makes it more attainable and realistic for the student. They can apply their learning to real life situations, which can in turn deeper their content knowledge. 


Engagement is key when transitioning students to a more active learning approach. Beginning with a few 'low risk' activities such as responding to an open ended, possibily opinionated, question to help them get started with active learning can be crucial to get them "on board". 


Students may feel like you're just trying to get them to do all of the work, and you as the educator aren't responsible for anything. Especially in the online learning environment, students need to feel a sense of work and effort put forth by the educator as well. 


In active learning, students must take responsibility for their own learning. This type of learning can take some time to practice/master both on the student side and the educator side. Active learning promotes deeper understanding of content instead of just being 'force fed' information. Active learning allows students to possibly apply content to real life situations to deeper their knowledge. 


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