Jessica Barnes

Jessica Barnes

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Vary your delivery of information, allow the students to practice a skill before the time comes for real life application to give them confidence.

Learn everyone's name as soon as you can, be flexible in your discussion and give students extra time to respond to questions, as the topics are new to them.

By preparing a detailed syllabus, it gives the student a map that you can reinforce along the way. It eases their stress and gives them realistic expectations about how the class will be and why it is important. I like the idea of making checklists to ensure a thorough session and carrying a notepad for questions/complaints to follow up on later. 

Students don't need a friend, they need a leader, and not one who knows ever answer to every question. They need to know where to find resources, what is expected of them, and positive reinforcement. Structure, with your own personal flair. 

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