Jessica Johnson

Jessica Johnson

About me


Understanding the relationship circle is a very important way to enroll the right person into your school. I liked the idea of adding past student sucess stories in to help encourage the potenial student into knowing that they are making the right decision.  I plan on sharing that with my Admissions team.


I really like the idea of spinning a problem into a solution with the things learned from Module 4


This module was eye opening when evaluating how I listen. I really feel like thinking about the different levels of listening will help improve connections with prospective students.

Adapting to the person's body language is an easy way to connect to the person.


It is a great idea to add value into your conversation with a prospective student. I came up with some sentences for the Admissions team to incorporate in their daily conversations.

What a good course to take for new ideas and upgrades to your admissions process.  I will be taking a lot of what I learned from this course and using it at the school.  Thank you!

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