Jeffrey Bambling

Jeffrey BamblingCHEP

About me


I have listened to and read comments for several years now about how admissions must be wrong or that our students need to be more thoughly screened. I'm sorry, but I can't hold with all of the finger pointing. We are not selling or providing and "expert" program, we provide and sell a program which helps students become "entry level". Students are more thoroughly screened for advanced training and they are told what they need to do to qualify for that training. Unfortunately students who never rise above the minimum requirements still meet the minimum requirements. I feel we should… >>>

Discussion Comment
On the first day, I discuss some of the professional liabilities that our students may face. If the work you perform could result in the injury or death of someone, there is liability. I then go on discuss how understanding your responsibilities and liabilities as a professional is important to everyone. We can easily transition this conversation to why understanding the class is important as well as professional and ethical conduct expectations. Lots of personal student experiences have been voluntered during these discussions.

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