Jason Chapman

Jason Chapman

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It's important to have a seemless process with no negative surprises - students need to know that you care to retain them. 

There was a good breakdown for approaching challanges - I've used LAARC before but really like the Clarify/Acknowledge/Address/Confirm system for challenge specific approach. 

The presenting value worksheet was very helpful - it is a good work sheet for making sure you are addressing what will benefit the student directly, how to tackle that risk as well.  This prevents a feature selling and is focused on solving the students obstacles and reasons for making the change. 

Really like the presentation of Value with the formula.  Often reps will just consider price without looking at benefit, effort, and risk.  I have been adding that into the cost - since tuition is abstract until you get to monthly payments, but it should be considered seperate.  For example, the effort involved in changing routine, or even driving for more than 5 minutes in the valley - all of that should be considered. 




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