Jan Dardenne

Jan Dardenne

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Blog Comment

I agree completely.  I'm new and this has given me a great roadmap, almost a Teaching for Dummies!  I had to jump in with no prior classroom teaching, so now I have learned, so that's how it's done.  I'm glad the CEE is available.

Because, before I arrived, there were a lot of passing students that could not pass their national certification, I had to take a hard look at what was going on.  In polling and having conversations with students, they have repeatedly said that lectures are too long and boring.  I learned from these education courses that interacting, respecting, and including students is a best practice.  In looking harder, and considering that learning styles can make a difference in a student acquiring the intended information, I decided to poll a class with the how you would assemble a toy.  I did get varied responses. … >>>

Discussion Comment

Some of the material is common sense, e.g. not airing your personal problems, complaining about the campus or other instructors.  However, I probably learned that the hard way by being in the business world, prior to teaching.  And certainly all new instructors may not have experienced the eventual bad that is sure to come, by commiting these sins.

I especially like the Harvard professors, their commitment to excellence, and reaching every student.  "They are all in the club".

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