Julia Mims e

Julia Mims e

Location: middle tennessee

About me

Happy Labor Day, I am using my holiday to get ahead! That is the nerd in me... I chose to participate in this lesson because I want to better understand my students. I am an LMT and an instructor I love the human body and I love the fact that massage has so much to do with more than just the body. I have been called the real life Ms. Frizzel I love that I do believe that getting messing and making mistakes can be a way to learn. I like music and movement and understanding how and why things function as they do. I am privileged to now instruct a class titled Professional Development & Customer Service! I am Excited, I get an opportunity to speak on something I am most passionate about.


everything electic


I am an instructor of adults from 18-35, I have a student who has not been as serious as their classmates being that they have not taken this seriously most of the other students do not care for them... I find it difficult to get, make, encourage, or coerce the other students to 'play nice' or work together. The student has some undesirable habits however I believe they can be successful. My question is how to 'involve' all students to 1st, give their best ,2nd to be more accepting to forgiving others behavior?

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