JaDuan Barnett

JaDuan Barnett

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Active learning is the better approach to learning. It reinforces what the student know because they can put the knowledge into practice. Active learning allows for critical thinking and its absolutely essential to becoming a Nurse. 

Comment on Cynthia Terrell's post: Right, also displaying those behaviors allows for a real model for the students.

I've learned supervisors, should be on display for students to show how they should carry themselves. Students should participate in internships as they are great opportunities for learning what the workforce is like.

I've learned that more people than not actually play games and would be more receptive and appreciate the gaming aspects of the learning process. 

Students or adults in general learn best by the application of practical life skills and techniques. There are many things a textbook just can’t and won’t explain making “life” a very big influence.

Using the Tshirts method it allows you to teach kinesthetic learners how to visualize and critically analyze what they are learning. The goal is to be creative especially if the content being presented is confusing.

I have learned its very important to present yourself in a confident and competent manner as an example for students because you are oftentimes the first or only example they have for the image of the profession. 

Oftentimes, as an instructor, we can see something fishy is happening but will ignore it out of fear of retaliation from the student. It can be a slippery slope when accusing any person of something. So we must be very careful to make sure we are 1. not compromising our own or other students' safety. 2. we don't cause strife in an innocent person's life. Be sure to know you are right when making accusations and always document everything. 

Just because a student is "quiet" doesn't always mean they are quiet in nature or that's their personality. They might not have a clue about what you're instructing. Its imperative to keep students engaged. Having different teaching styles can help with this. As an instructor, we must be diligent about the encouragement to our students and offer as much support as possible to ensure they succeed in the areas they desire. 

The more you engage students the more they can feel empowered. Setting clear goals and dates for assignments will help keep both you can students on schedule. 

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