Jennifer Cronin

Jennifer Cronin

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Delivering a successful online course is founded upon consistency.  Using the four O's approach can facilitate the instructor in constantly evaluating the course and update according to their style of teaching, most recent technology, and student needs.

Online Instructors have many roles: instructor, social and program directors as well as tech support.  Students need to know what is expected per the instructor and clearly stated in the syllabus.  Students also need to know how to clearly use the technology provided.  Instructional feedback is most important form of communication with students, but there may be various ways to enhance discussions, engagement among and between students as well as with the instructor.

I learned the differences between synchronous and asynchronous learning and instruction.  Advantages and disadvantages were outlined.  The pattern of teaching was discussed with an emphasis upon consistency and helping students learn not only where the centralized area is to learn in, but how/when to access it, is it functioning properly?  Students can also help each other and earn extra credit by utilizing discussion boards.

Teaching styles must be matched with the appropriate technology tools.  Technology must be easy to use and not hinder the learning process.  Various types of technology can be used to both teach and organize a class: virtual classrooms (highest interaction), wikis for generating and altering written work, podcasts, blogs as reflective tools, etc.

It's important for the instructor to also learn their teaching style...whether authoritative (sage on the stage) or demonstrative (how to) teaching and then match appropriate tools, but ensure engagement of the class.


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