Jacinda Roach

Jacinda Roach

About me


Students in the online classroom may fall behind or decide to drop a course because they are unable to manage all of their responsibilities. When I see that a student is falling behind, I generally like to contact them through e-mail to find out if I can help them. I let them know that as an instructor, I manage the same responsibilities that they have. This opens the discussion of time management and scheduling. I always recommend the use of a written calendar and a daily "to do" list. Do you suggest any other techniques that students can use in… >>>

Discussion Comment
Hi All! I truly believe that a high level of interaction with students will increase the credibility of an instructor with students. Instructors who do not provide timely feedback or answer questions promptly are usually not considered very professional by students. Do you think an instructor that provides timely feedback and promotes interaction with students will foster professionalism in students as well? How often do you think an instructor should have individual interaction with students? Thanks, Jacinda
Hi All! I have noticed that throughout my years of teaching in the online environment, students have changed. This is due to the fact that today's online student is more technologically advanced. I still find that in most cases, that students become less engaged as the course progresses. What techniques do you suggest to keep online students engaged throughout the duration of the course?

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