Ileana Duran

Ileana Duran

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All I have enjoyed reading this module is what I do since I have been teaching it for more than 40 years.

I have confirmed that much of what has been done in my long career as a teacher was not misguided.
I made a lot of effort to be an example for my students, to study constantly to give good classes to be able to realize the need to change the content of the programs in the face of the appearance of new techniques or knowledge.

Knowing the different types of personalities and behavior of the students is a strong task that every teacher must face and overcome, both face-to-face and distance teaching.
But in distance education, the teacher must develop a magic to attract the attention and admiration of the students as well as the motivation towards the contents that he teaches.
The behaviors that are displayed in the online environment are very similar to those that we find in a traditional classroom.
The behavior management itself is consistent no matter where the teaching occurs.

If the personal student-teacher relationship is important in the classroom, in online teaching, this is MUCH greater. The students must feel confident that the teacher is always vigilant, analyzing their progress and deficiencies.
In my particular case, I always look for methods to achieve a good student-teacher interrelation

I consider that managing the techniques and strategies for delivering the course is the most important part of being able to deliver e-learning courses.
All the points mentioned in this topic are very important to achieve the learning of our students.
For me, this remark and reminder have been extremely useful.
I usually use most of these strategies in my courses and the students feel very comfortable and grateful with my courses.

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