Ejike Okonkwo

Ejike Okonkwo

About me


I just completed EL104. The difference between EL104 and ED104 is that one is for on-ground instructors and the other is for on-ground instructors. EL104 is for online instructor and ED104 is for on-ground instructors. The major difference between the two courses appears to be hinged on how courses are delivered to online and on-ground students. 

I agree that a teacher's physical appearance and organizational skills will set the pace for successful students and student behavior. However, physical appearance is not possible in an online course. Perhaps, it has to be replaced with some kind of perception of the instructor or the course materials.

The CEE courses are needed by anyone who imparts knowledge, especially someone like me that has never taken any education course. Prior to taking CEE course, I understood virtually nothing about pedagogy or andragogy.  I have my background in engineering and computer science. I completed EL101 and EL108 in 2009. Needless to say that I learned a lot about teaching techniques and how to design courses in general and online courses in particular.

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