Heather Wipijewski

Heather Wipijewski

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It has worked fabulous for me! Like I said I teach a course which deals with client relations - so instead of me lecturing or showing powerpoints and videos, I involve the students by having them role play - one of them acts as a client (which I give them a client to play and vary it) and one acts as the Veterinary Technician. I also had a Veterinarian offer to have my students go to his practice while he was closed and role play there. They did that just a couple of weeks ago and LOVED it! I find… >>>

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I teach veterinary technician courses - and one of them I teach is a office procedures course - since this class doesn't directly deal with animals - it can be a challenge to keep students interested. So what I like to do is a brief lecture about a topic and then involve the students by having them role play - I will have them act out a situation since we are talking about situations that deal with clients. Gets the students involved and they have fun with it.

Not only do I go over the syllabus, course outcomes, policies, etc. I also try to do some sort of an icebreak just to loosen up the students and have a little fun at the same time. Things I've done are - 2 truths and a lie - where the student tells everyone 2 truths and one lie about themselves and everyone needs to try to figure out which one is the lie - scavenger hunt - where they have to go around talking to their classmates to find certain things such as (1) Someone who has a brother -… >>>

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I think it's important to have an outline of materials that I want to cover in each class - I encourage open discussion in my classes - and sometimes although we talk about topics related to what we are educating students in - it may be off from what we are talking about that day in class - therefore having that outline helps me be sure that I am presenting all necessary material and not missing things which are important for students to learn. Students seem to appreciate that as well - since they then feel well prepared.
Although students are in a teaching environment - it is important for them to also treat their education as a "job". Employers want employees who are professional and reliable. I feel strongly about enocuraging and guiding students in this regard - so they will be viewed as a candidate for a position they may apply for and not overlooked.

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