Heather Beckham

Heather Beckham

About me


One of my pet peeves is when students and business professionals use power point as a crutch. It is not very engaging when a person simply reads off their slides. I believe we have become too dependent on power point. Here is a great funny clip that you can show students to help them understand common power point mistakes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp8dugDbf4w
I teach a conflict management class and the information presented in this module is a great, real-life application of many of the theories in that class. I thought process outlined in this module (1. Define the problem, 2. List possible causes, 3. Identify the causes, 4. Identify the solution, 5. Take corrective action, and 6. Follow-up) was a great framework. All too often people jump to figuring out a solution before they have a good understanding of the problem. Upfront, reflective analysis as well as follow-up on the back-end will help to ensure a constructive management of the problem.

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