Chris Huber

Chris Huber

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With the seven principles of learning covering how to encourage contact between student and facult to how to create repect divers talents and ways of learning, one can see just how essential these are.


Introduce the course as both an asynchronous and synchronous where discussions and assignments will be required of each.  Where it's not just on the students time frame, but synchronous discussions make up a vital role in the course.


In order to have an impact on studetnt's success in an online class is to tie together how this class could impact them.  Try to connect the class to their lives.


The beauty of an online course is that students are able to work around their personal schedules.  But even though they have this schedule of their own, they must accomidate to their class deadlines.  Encourage assigments to be priority first working around their schedule.


On-line student participation in discussions is a vital part to a class.  One must watch out for low quality posts though.  One suggestion to improve post quality is to have each student introduce themselves to the class, this way they transform from a a community.


I found it interesting that different generations learn in different ways.  What is pretty much expected to me must be emphasized to younger generations.  I'll make sure that I post these expectations, like complete sentences and proper grammar, in my syllabus. 


Start at the beginning of the course to establish proper communication protocols.  Using the syllabus is an excellent place for this to establish rules, consequences, office hours and other support.  I plan on revising my syllabus to cover more of these topics.


Communication can take many form in an online class.  Where some are better suited then others.  The teacher must find the right balance and usage of platforms.  I'll try to get out of my comfort bubble and start experimenting with Twitter and Instagram for classroom comunication.


What I take away from this module is the importance of not only course structure, but consistancy.  It is important for distanct learners to be able to comfortably navigate through the course modules.


Instructors are facilitators of an online course and need to provide students with expectations of effective communications in order to have a successful online course.

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