Harry Snyder

Harry Snyder

About me


We do open book testing. Highlighting and underlining work because they are looking through their book for the answer.

Our placement department comes to classes at strategic times to get students prepared to enter the workforce.It's more than just writing resumes and finding job offers. They help by explaining that rude, crude, or even just cool email addresses or phone answering messages that are maybe fun to some do not help you land a job. Students need to know that schools offer more than just the subjects offered, that there should be solid guidlines for professionalism that help the student meet or exceed the industries standards.
When a student feels you generally care about their success, they have a tendancy to perform better and work toward harder. Many times a student simply wants some attention and reassurance.
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I'd like to start taking group pictures as students enroll in our class
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Personalized welcome packets at orientation should be something we should take a closer lookm at.
We regularly call or email students with a welcome to our school call to overcome any anxiety or concerns that may be developing
We cover the specific things our program offers that employers want and can only get through an experienced employee or our program
Although I don't agree that everyone no matter what their disability may be can fix cars for a living, there are many who could benefit society from the knowledge gained in technical instruction.
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Students can learn by teaching each other. The choosing of the groups can be very critical. Observing how they interact can be even more important. I have in the past sometimes let students pick their own groups. Most of the time however I end up with some groups of advanced, motivated students and others who are stuggling and can't help or motivate each other. Every group I assign has an unnounced leader or two that I know will help teach and motivate others in the group.
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Career students are all about relevance so they need to be made aware of it repeatedly. I use: “This is a really important point” “Listen closely to this point because it will help you to…..” “This point is so important that you should engrave it on a plaque” “If you don’t remember anything else today you should remember this” “You will need to understand this point because you will be using it throughout the course” A word of caution. Overuse these phrases and students will start to tune-them-out and miss the content you are sharing. Also, after making one of… >>>

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