Marcus Hernandez

Marcus Hernandez

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My first class was a wreck because I wanted my students to like me and that turned into the friends thing. Never again.

Good tips and tricks for dealing with challenging students.

I like the idea of rotating the seating arrangements.

I will try and use ice breakers for the first of class. Late home work is always a challenge depending on the situation.

Apply those best practice methods in the classroom and make sure I'm the best instructor I can be.

Using different styles of teaching to help all students and keeping things fun and interesting like playing games.

I will keep all these concepts in mind while teaching. Adult students need a little more time and the "why?" Of what we are doing.

Many different stages in life and also many ways to look at life. I think that It is important to be flexible as we never know where someone is in life and we may need to adjust our teaching style.

I have had great success with older (late twenties) students. I believe that the maturity of there minds are much better and more focused on the material vs the younger students I usually get say fresh high-school grads that still have that inmature mind set.

Cause an effect. I like how the problem is broken down into long term short term, and also how there are so many different ways to solve them. I also like how each solution has a effect to it.

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