Huguette Dorvily

Huguette Dorvily

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feedback and rsources providing information to help students achieve the learning outcomes.Also provide those that are needed for particular assignments/projects and place the resources in one area for more timely updating.

Not being no face to face interaction with students need much more support and feedback in the online environment than in a traditional course. 

what's really important is l managing the workload of anline course is to assure an effective course.


Students must be committed to adhere to deadlines and work diligently in online courses. Online learning provides some degree of freedom for students to arrange courses around other aspects of their life, but it is important that they understand that procrastination and/or a lack of time management will not enhance this freedom.

Knowing technology skills/skill set of each student is key for the highest level of engagment. Technology helps us in many ways but must be used correctly.


As an online instructor, it is crucial to establish procedures for how students should communicate with you and each other.


It's important to provide accommodations for students with learning disabilities.


time management schedule helps online instructors help set goals, stay on task so you can achieve your goals.


Feedback and communication will be essential for and organized online classroom.

In order for students to be succesful communication and self disipline is key.


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