Gregory Verbois

Gregory Verbois

About me


Discussion Comment

The best way to learn is to exhaust yourself with your prefered style of learning, then switch to another "style" to pull yourself out of the crater and to the edge of developing different opinions based on a new perspective.  So don't discount your preferences but keep yourself open to exploration which usually takes us out of our comfort zone, where our memory will engage based on facts not forseen, accidental discovery, errors in assumptions, and outright new insights into the problems we are working on.

Greg Verbois

Blog Comment

I agree it is a great way to have all the specifics lined up to really help you get back to what you knew or needed to know to help fine tune your next classroom experience. Managing the difficult students is a challenge for the new teacher but equally needs reinforcing for the seasoned teacher and max k,  presents a full spectrum of what could be another pitfall without these poignant reminders.  Greg


Discussion Comment

@msbsmith :Why does a student come to class? This is the bottom line to several answers. New job, new skill, or a willingness to help others or even for the money.  But what keeps them is the way inwhich they learn. One cannot teach passively, it is an aggressive sport of sorts, with a set of plays, various strategies and a goal for the team.  We coach and direct and get in there and demonstrate to set an example. We can only judge the results by how much content we delivered, were we passionate, clear and fun to be around… >>>

When students comment that you like your job, it really says that they see you as an individual that cares about their success, and they know that you are not faking your daily interaction with them. Integrity comes out in our voice, our appearence, and our willingness to help them transition to a new future in a career that you (their instructor ) have enjoyed working in yourself. These are the indicators of genuine quality which can't be falsified as if you were acting in a play.  Ones path has to be heartfelt or it will show up and students… >>>

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