kathy webb

kathy webb

About me


i believe effective meetings must be held weekly and include all departbents.

I teach an online class and I find that my students who learned English as a second language have the most difficulty. I try to establish a realationship with these tudents who i can tell feel like outsiders with their lack of eenglish skills.


I try very hard to reduce stress and anxiety in my department. I do not deal well with stress and I feel if my staff is given clear expectations from me than they are also less stressed. 

I will begin to create some assessment guides to use for my onine classes.

I hope to start using the skills I learned from this course immediatly. I hope that my students can gain from my new found skills of online assessment.

I am learning quite a bit from these Max Knowledge courses. I never knew there were so many objectives.

How do others handle a student who does not look at their online course content?

I find that when I am assessing a students learning when they are in an onlien course, i must veiw their activity with the material to truly believe whther the student just did not study the material or if they really did not understand it.


This was a great course! I wish I ahd taken this when I first began teaching. I learned quite a bit how to manage the different personality that I encounter with each new class.

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