tiffany gravely

tiffany gravely

About me


This training course was very informative and easy to follow. I liked how it was set up and it was not to lengthy with information and not to many questions at each time.   

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This training course was very informative and easy to follow. I liked how it was set up and it was not to lengthy with information and not to many questions at each time.   

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It is always good to know what you can and cannot do and know how to explain to a student how the credits from another school will work for them
As an agent you want to always know your policies for any school and this training was very easy to understand
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It is really good to be informative of your school and the proper paperwork that is needed when enrolling students
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From being in the Admission arena for over 10 years it is nice to see a training method that explains things very simple for a new agent.

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